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Saturday, July 2, 2011
To the person who found my wallet: Tarry/Terry? THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH.

I can't believe I didn't notice my wallet was gone.
I can't believe you drove all the way from Plaza Singapura to my house just to return my purse. I have no idea what I did to deserve this, all I can say is I'm really really really lucky to have crossed paths with a good Samaritan like you.

You're truly a great guy and you'll be blessed!!! :)

AHHH LIFE IS GOOD. If only there were more Terrys around, the world will be a much much better place...

Sunday, May 29, 2011
It's just goodnight and not goodbye
(In the mood to post because 1. Listening to Taylor Swift now 2. AA yesterday!!!)
RG AA 2011: Uncanny Valley <3
So... holidays have started and it started off really well thanks to AA 2011.
I mean what can I say? No doubt I felt pretty apprehensive that our batch had to organize AA this year, perform and everything, but boy not only did everything work out, it was a BLAST!
I hope everyone who attended it felt the same way :) It was not just fun, it was magical. I totally felt hyped up, super energetic and of course the warm and fuzzy feeling came in too.
It wasn't just the actual thing itself. The WHOLE DAY was amazing. It was so fun to be freaking out over last minute things, and learning the dance, running through the dance so many million time with Heather, The man, Denise and Cherine and others who just learnt most of it today. Ripping shirts.
And of course it was really a day I could really put behind all the stressful things going on in my mind and really focus on something this exciting and fun. Honestly speaking I had a very bad day on Friday after PSC stress and of course many other things, plus I couldn't finish my AA gifts in time so I majorly freaked out at night. I was mad stressed but AA saved my life if not for AA I probably would've fainted and spent my night in the hospital haha.
But really.
I thought it was just gonna be another one of those Guides events. I thought it was just gonna be any other AA. I thought I was just gonna come home and forget about it.
But it wasn't.
I found myself smiling the entire way home, I didn't even mind when I was the last one to shower at 11.45, I did mind the glitter but got over it soon, I wrote a random note to a stranger because I felt so fuzzy inside, I couldn't stop thinking about how great the night (and day was), how I had my whole Guides family with me, how B11ATCH is always ALWAYS there for me. I love B11ATCH sosososoooooooo much I could never ever express it in words. Gosh the last time I really felt this way was in Taylor Swift's concert.
AA this year was simply enchanting. I can't bring myself to admit that it's our last AA, and it's over.

So I had a bad day on Friday. Bad thing was, well I felt down and completely bare, I felt like a nothing and I was completely disenchanted. Funny how I managed to compose myself quite quickly despite all of that, and sort of hide it within myself so people couldn't tell. I guess I don't really want people to think I'm the kind who can't get over things easily. Well truth is I'm not.
But I'm quite pleased with the fact that I actually can make myself get over things easily. At least emotion-wise. I'll just keep telling myself to put myself in someone else's shoes, not to complain, and of course something I always tell my mum when she's hyperventilating over spilt water: It's done, it's done. Move on man. No point crying over spilt water get something done right, at the very least.
I thank my friends, B11ATCH, RG Guides for making me feel so much better the next day.

Yay, so this is very exciting for everyone :) There really wasn't any holiday mood going on I felt as if it was just another week, actually. Guess I'm too tensed up.
But for this year's June hols I decided to make a plan for myself, a list of things I have to accomplish by the time term starts. I don't want my June holidays to be another wasted month of my life, the kind of sucky hols where I return to school and feel like a dumb bird not knowing anything and regretting why I did not spend my time more wisely and make use of June hols better.

1. Academics
I think I really need to push myself! No idea what I did for the past half year I feel like I really didn't deserve marks for some of them e.g. History, SS and maybe Geog. Seriously I didn't mug or study for it esp. History I just read through the notes and did not memorise anything. And of course my disgusting Sciences -.-
Focus subjects would be: Chinese, Math, History, Sciences.

2. Personal Stuff
Yeah of course there's this. Some people may know what I've been up to the past month... haha well I'm gonna do more of it since there's more time, hopefully better ones will come soon! It's really fun and de-stressing so obviously I'm not quitting :) Also I want to spend more time with my family - go out with em more, do more things for them, stop being such a fussy kid and stuff. Spend more time with my friends. Start planning what I wanna do in future. Oh wait I already decided. Then I guess work towards it! And then, there's sleep. I need to get at least 8 hours of sleep on average, it's impossible to achieve that everyday so :)

3. Volunteer work/Good stuff for the people
If possible, I'd very much love to return to ACRES. After 1 1/2 year gosh I hope they haven't forgetten the silly girl and her friends who go down at really random dates doing crazy things. But this definitely needs some planning and coordination, I need to get my friends down to do it together with me because I can't go all the way down to CCK and do this alone.
YFC. Signed up for quite a few with Sheryl, Desiree and Amelia, and some with other people too. Can't wait for that!
Others: Well I've had plans to do something totally random and insane so maybe I should start now. Since I intend to bake a lot during the holidays, I'll probably go down to a nearby kindergarten or something to give it out! And also get my mum to bring me to the places she goes when she volunteers to help out and also the Old Folk's Home and Singapore Cancer Society.

One month isn't very long, but I guess I'll try to do as much as I can? Listening to 'Loser Like Me' now, I love this song. I absolutely love the fact that I'm just an ordinary, average girl living a normal life (well so I can fantasize and dream of that extraordinary life I've always wanted hahah) and being a complete loser! What? Being a loser is cool too okay.

Peace to the world.

Saturday, April 16, 2011
I never knew pencils were my best friend.
Tonight I got dear Sheryl to write an 'About Me' for me. An 'About Brillia'.
This is what she came up with.

My name is Brillia Soh Hui Tian.
My IC is S
I live in Bishan.
I'm in PSB (Punch Soh Brillia) and am proud of it.
I'm short, but don't look down on me.
When I bathe (and poop), I like to sing.
And rap.
And compose songs.
I'm annoyed by those who don't like to sing.
Nor rap.
Nor compose songs.
I write really s l o w l y.
That's because I'm a perfectionist.
A dog is a man's best friend, but a pencil is my best friend. It can be easily erased.
I like being clean.
Bathing just isn't enough. If only apple can invent a new iScrub to scrub the (invisible) intestines out of bacteria.
I want to name my kid flour because I like eating flour.
Chemistry and History are currently screwing up my life.
And most of all, I love Sheryl.
And of course, Mao.

By Sheryl

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Yay! Haha this blog is so dead oh whatever.
Feeling a little troubled and annoyed so I decided to blog about it ...for no apparent reason! :P

Yup so Person X was being very annoying. Well not really, more like I'm getting annoyed already. I really never understand how people can be so self-absorbed at times -well I guess it's fine if it'a a one-off thing, a joke or something but seriously?! Could you just please stop. It's not even fun anymore, it never was so pleaseeeeeeeee I really don't get the point of all this :/
The fact that I'm even saying all this just means it has gotten to a point I can't even tolerate it anymore which is... bad.
Sigh this is utterly rude and everything, tsktsk going against my principles of not criticising! Well I criticise, heh everyone does right :P, but I will say that I do it in really small amounts, and 80% of the time I hold it in :)

On a lighter (& happier!) note, I <3 my friends. I don't know what I'll be without them, and I'm just proud that I've made really good friends in the past 15 years! Like, even my parents and aunts say that I have 'good and guai friends' and 'I'll never be led astray' LOL.

I love how I can just be myself in front of my friends.
I love how I'm so used to doing silly things in front of them I don't feel embarassed anymore.
I love how when I'm so restless, tired, and stressed, they can sense it and they're always always always there for me.
I love how enlightened I feel when they teach me things I never understood before.
I love how when I'm so pissed and angsty, they tell me things so wise I can't believe they're the ones saying it, but I listen to it anyway and learn to forgive and forget.
I love how I can sing away and just be crazy with them, even if I'm the only crazy one at that point of time.
I love how we don't pass judgements.
I love how we tell each other off, sometimes get angry with each other, but never let those few bad moments ruin the friendship we took forever to build, together.
I love how we're so honest and true to ourselves when we hang out; no pretence involved, no awkward moments, random pauses but we're still comfortable with that :]
I love how we're always together, and I know that even if we split up at the end of the year, go to different schools/unis, be in different classes, and live our different dreams...
we'll still be best friends forever,
we'll still watch movies together,
we'll still laugh and act like kids,
we'll still have something up our sleeves,
we'll still have each other to depend on, no matter what

Sunday, January 16, 2011
be grateful.
Last week we learnt new phrases/sentence from chinese lessons again, and this particular sentence really got me thinking.
It basically means, beauty is everywhere. If we can't see it, it doesn't mean beauty doesn't exist, it just means that we're lacking the ability to notice the beauty around us.

Well, I think that's true. I think it's quite sad how everyone is always complaining about how they don't have this, don't have that - and I'm not just talking about material goods, I'm talking about everything, including GPAs, cooler parents (haha?!), cooler friends,...
And of course I'm guilty of this as well, I'm constantly complaining :P

But honestly speaking, I think it's just stupid. Why bother comparing? I mean, everyone is different, you can't be living someone else's life.
And please for goodness sakes, be grateful for what you have already. Stop. Asking. For. More. Because once you start, you can't stop. You'll desire for greater, bigger things. At times I really can't stand it when people keep doing that. I mean there's nothing wrong but, can't they just be more sensitive? The fact that we're alive and kicking is a blessing in itself already. The fact that we have people to love, people who love us - it's God's gift to us.

Of course I'm not saying that everyone is lucky and blessed with good fortune yay the world is all nice and good, I'm the most fortunate being on earth - no. My point is that, no matter where you stand, just keep in mind that there are always those below you. Think of how much you have over them, not how much you don't have.

Be appreciative. Be thoughtful. Be grateful for all that's been given to you.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Feeling very very terrible now.
First of all I'm so tired, I think I'm gonna crash any time soon.
Secondly, I am utterly disappointed at myself.

I'm starting to doubt my abilities. I'm so amazed at how I managed to screw all this up perfectly. I'm not trying to blame anyone here, just finding a place to rant... so bear with me...

I just want to make clear that I'm not superwoman. I don't believe in myself a whole lot, in fact I know my limitations and all. I admit that there was one point of time when I was constantly complaining, thinking: Why wouldn't they understand? Why is it that the expectations they have of me are so high?
But whenever I thought that way I tried to reason with myself, I said hey, everyone has their own commitments and matters to handle. I'm not the only one, so why should I complain?
Here I am now, feeling terribly bad about my own behavior and attitude, disappointed with my ability to handle such issues.

I'm too unbalanced. My priorities are jumbled up. I am unable to think through and manage my commitments so that it is balanced out.
And above all, I'm too tired. You see for this entire holidays, here's what I've been busy with. I'm just gonna list them out:
ICYL, PSLTC, Orientation CCAO I/C, Guides CCAO I/C, SPSB HR. My entire November and December's my peak period. I can very confidently say that the only actual holiday and rest I got was the period I was away in Malaysia for 5 days. That's 5 days in 2 months.

Please don't get me wrong here, I am not targetting anyone or attacking anyone. I am not trying to say that being in lead board is overwhelmingly stressful, it's a horrible thing, or complaining about being assigned these role - no, not at all. In fact, I am very grateful for people having such expectations of me because honestly speaking, I really don't think that well of myself, so I'm grateful that I'm given such opportunities (:
I'm very lucky to have all these opportunities, but I guess the downside of this is, this thing I'm experiencing right now, this instant.

I hope this will be a good learning experience for me to handle my commitments better, especially since school's starting in a week and to be really honest, I have no idea how I'm gonna survive through this new school term, and I'm so afraid I'll be burnt out. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wish for the best ):

Thursday, December 9, 2010
wish wash woosh
Aloha world!
So hols have been great so far, finally got to the 'rest' part I guess (:
My days have been pretty boring, just lazing around at home, not going out, SLEEPING IN :D
And omg my mum just came home telling me that my friend has a girlfriend, and started stalking her using my fb account...okay weird lol! haha but anyways good luck with her man, have fun :P
A lot's been going through my mind the past few nights, some of 'em even years... I'm gonna just list them down lest I forget:

1. I woke up this morning and I had this really weird but cool idea: I wanna get a middle name!
I've actually thought about this before, like getting a middle name and stuff. I used to want to change my name because a lot of people have problem pronouncing it (I have no idea why, isn't it just 'bree-lee-yah/yer' ._.) okay you see, I don't even know if its supposed to end with a 'ya' or a 'yer' -.- But that's not it! I imagined people calling me by my first name in an office setting... that didn't work out very well. Basically I thought my name sounded really preschool-ish.
Next, I have no clue what my name meant. I've always wanted to have a name that, well, meant something special :) My name just had a random meaning to it - my mum said she wanted me to be brilliant, but that didn't sound like a name so she removed the 'nt'. hmm.
Anyhow after so many years I grew to like my name better than before, but I still want another name with a special meaning! Special as in, like, it means something in Latin or Portugese or idk somethinggg.

2. Vegetarian!
So yes, I have officially turned. Turned. Haha! Sounds as if I've 'turned' into a vampire or something :P
Anyway, this whole vegetarian thing started off because of my vegetarian friends! At first I just thought I was going to be veg because it's healthy and I wanna be kind to animals. Then I realised behind all these I was actually really, truly motivated because of the difference I'd make if I were a veg. Yup most of you probably don't know what I'm talking about so please do read up on global warming and livestock farming if you haven't already.
It's a personal choice and I'm all for making a difference! (:
Second reason: I made this pact with my aunt, we promised to go veg together :D

3. My future... *ding!*
Yeehaa! Okay save the best for the last! Okay I'm always so excited about the future because it's so unpredictable and stuff. I spend 1/3 of my time alive thinking of what I wanna do when I grow up... is that crazy? :/ But I like it! I enjoy doing that - planning out what I'm gonna do, where I'm gonna go, things like that. Sometimes it changes, in fact all the time, but it's always... somewhere around there...
Uhh yup maybe I shouldn't talk to much about this here it's a bit weird. But I'm so happy and jumpy everytime I think of this! It's so fun, the world out there is so so big I can't wait to explore the rest of it and I get so motivated to do well in school so I can get the scholarship I want and go to the university I want and take the course I want :D
...so that I can get the job I want! Which will never happen if I go to uni in singapore so that means I need a scholarship real bad. ):

Yes! gosh it feels so good to just be able to pen- or type everything, or at least most, of what is going through my head now :)

And it's eco-friendly!

Chomp, chomp

Spammers will be gobbled up.
And before you are devoured, remember to leave a tag!

being gobbled since 050705.
Scared of being gobbled, leave then!

That monster

Monstericiously Brillia.
Raffles Girls' School
Girl Guides♥
RG Photography Club
And she just loves dogs
& she loves to sing
& she drives her parents and neighbours mad when singing in the bathroom ><
bold underlined strikeout
email. facebook. blogskin


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


a new pair of sunglasses
money $.$
new pencil case
new earphones
new handphone
3.6 GPA for MYAs D: (((:
my own oven!
grow tallerrr
more friends

last few dramas watched
Shining Inheritance
Three Dads One Mom
Boys Before Flowers (rewatch)
Boston Legal
Boys Before Flowers
Little Nyonya
Fated To Love You
Heart of Greed




rgguides nicole heather qiaoxi

107'08 Hadley! ashlynna beverly brenda cheryl debbie denise elaine elisa eunice felicia goh joan jolyn kana lee chin minyi panyu rebekah shannon valerie violet vivian ying jiao yuin teng

6I'07 ariel hilary tan luoyi man lin samantha shin yun shuen hwee wilshia yixian

The Hyper girl. That Mad boy.

Stalk me!

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